Chris and Carol Green
...Do It for These
Coaching Sponsors and Scholarships

Overwhelmed by a medical emergency, completely stressed and on the brink of physical collapse, Dana needed some type of support to get her through. We offered Life Coaching, but she couldn't afford to pay because of the medical debt, so we offered to do it for free. Not because we can afford to do that, but because we can't afford to let her carry the weights alone.
Alexis is on a fixed disability income. She dropped out of high school, and even when she tried to overcome that decision, she has failed the G.E.D exam twice. She's alone, with no support and has always been told that she would never amount to anything. She had given up until she crossed paths with a friend who strongly recommended that she call us. She can only afford $25/per coaching session and we said okay. Not because we could afford to do that, but because we couldn't afford to let her go another day believing she was a failure.
Taylor has a strong desire to become a certified life coach. However, life has gone horribly wrong with a failed relationship and now she needs to start all over again. She can't afford to pay the full fee for the certification so we told her to pay what she can. Not because we could afford to do that, but because we couldn't afford to let her dream die because of the lack of money.
Help us provide life coaching support and certification scholarships for people who are seeking to make a fresh start in life. We thank you for supporting our mission to bring fresh renovations to hearts and homes.
For the Least of These,
Chris and Carol Green
Donations are Welcomed
Fruitful Life Network Inc, is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Pennsylvania in May 2004.
Make a donation online to provide a life coaching opportunity today!
Any amount is welcomed.