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Fight for Your Family
A Heart and Home Prayer Journey

Families are in crisis: Teen suicides, bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, mental illness, family secrets, financial pressure, threats of terror, government dominance, and a host of other enemies are pouring in, but you can be the servant-leader who strengthens your household in these perilous times!

We bring no hype, fanfare, antics, gimmicks or spooky/ mystical gadgets. We simply provide a series of online teaching and materials that carefully explains spiritual and Biblical principles for heads of households, releasing prayer every step along the way.

You can get postured to fight and positioned to build.

Let's take a journey together......


This prayer journey was launched in 2012, during a season of weekly prayer gatherings, in which the focus was on our households. We prayed and taught from the historical account of Nehemiah, when he led the Hebrew people in the daunting task of rebuilding and restoring the 10 gates and all of the walls that surrounded their city. We applied the symbolic meanings of the gates to families, and a fresh understanding was birthed on how to guard our hearts and homes against all negative and evil onslaughts.


Ever since that season, we have continued to facilitate Heart and Home Prayer gatherings, calling for heads of households to immerse themselves in teaching and prayer that identifies and defeats the enemies of the family, while equipping and empowering them to rebuild and restore the 10 gates that protect every individual (Heart) and every family (Home). 


Start your own Heart and Home Prayer Journey for your family, neighborhood, community or city by accessing any of the resources prescribed on this site.




Chris and Carol Green

Hope and Healing for Hearts and Homes

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© 2004 - 2025, Chris and Carol Green,

Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Consulting

Chris and Carol Green have no allegiances to any political party, religious dogma, or 'bandwagon' social movements.

They are retired bi-vocational pastors who have been under-the-radar leaders within an international phenomenon

in which people of faith have been moving, by the thousands, outside of their traditions and buildings

to take healing and hope to their personal and professional communities.

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