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Ministry and Music of Pam Green

Pam Green has been singing since the early age of five, and embarked upon a professional career as a singer when she began traveling with her family ministry team called “Love Reach Ministries”. She has also toured the United States as a member of the Oral Roberts University “Souls A’Fire”.


She has recorded with her brothers who have written, arranged and produced several outstanding praise and worship songs for their local church based in St. Louis, Missouri. However, she finally embraced her gift for writing in the fall of 2007 and went on to pen four of the songs on her debut solo release, “In His Presence”.


When Pam Green sings, she has that certain something that causes you to listen beyond her outstanding voice. You hear the tears behind the lyrics. You feel the life behind the songs. Something connects deep in your own heart, like when someone is in intercession and every word they’re speaking to the Lord is just what you would say if you knew how to express it that way. When you listen to Pam you get it. The anointing of God makes the difference. His presence is so tangible that you realize, she’s really just praying, but happens to be singing. She’s pouring out her heart to the Lord and not just working a song to move the crowd.


"If you just want to be entertained, go to a secular concert or go see some self-centered gospel artist who’s still trying to make a name," says her brother Chris Green, "But if you want to be ushered into the presence of the Lord, and come to a place where His spirit is touching the hurting places in your life, then sit down in a session or concert with Pam."


Pam can just talk and you’ll know that she lives what she sings. You’ll experience a woman who’s in love with God and not in love with her gift. With a refreshing air of humility, she ministers and you find yourself simply joining in with the heavenly host as one of God’s worshippers sings to Him. You get the feeling that you’re sitting in on a private conversation between the Lord and her, but somehow, you’re still welcome to join in anyway.

In His Presence Pam's first inspirational Gospel CD and you will feel the very presence of God while listening to each heartfelt song.


 “In His Presence” was produced by Jerrin L. DeLoatch and Executive produced by Chrys Yvette,

Jerrin L. DeLoatch, and Jesse L. DeLoatch.


Music Director Jonathan Green (Pam's brother) is featured on drums while the remaining members

of the band consist of Justin Keys (Pam's son) on lead keyboard, Herb Clarke on acoustic and electric guitar, Wayne Clarke on bass, and Bishop Raphael Green (Pam's brother) on piano.


The CD also features the vocals of Darlene Ross, Kenny Jackson, Candace Clarke, Charity James,

Mike McCollum and Amaris Keys (Pam's daughter).


Listen to or order music on Reverbnation HERE

Pam Green's music review courtesy of Serenity Arts & Entertainment and Fruitful Life Network of Ministries, Inc.

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© 2004 - 2025, Chris and Carol Green,

Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Consulting

Chris and Carol Green have no allegiances to any political party, religious dogma, or 'bandwagon' social movements.

They are retired bi-vocational pastors who have been under-the-radar leaders within an international phenomenon

in which people of faith have been moving, by the thousands, outside of their traditions and buildings

to take healing and hope to their personal and professional communities.

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