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Bread of Life - Souls A'Fire

Released: 1978, Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association


In the late 1970's, Raphael Green was one of the lead songwriters, singers and ministers with this unique multi cultured ministry from Oral Roberts University. The ensemble and choir toured and ministered all over America and several of his songs were recorded in studio and in live concerts.


Some of those songs and moments are archived HERE:



Bread of Life


Trying Times


Jesus Be Glorified


Souls A'Fire


Father's Children (Live)


Never Take Your Hand Off Me (Live)


Bread of Life (Live)


Trying Times (Live)


Raphael Green music review courtesy of Metro Arts Productions and Fruitful Life Network, Inc.

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© 2004 - 2025, Chris and Carol Green,

Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Consulting

Chris and Carol Green have no allegiances to any political party, religious dogma, or 'bandwagon' social movements.

They are retired bi-vocational pastors who have been under-the-radar leaders within an international phenomenon

in which people of faith have been moving, by the thousands, outside of their traditions and buildings

to take healing and hope to their personal and professional communities.

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