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Raphael Green

Known more for his teaching and preaching, relatively few people have ever realized that Bishop Raphael Green is a songwriter, musician and worship leader with a rich history of musical excellence.


Through the years, requests have come from across the United States and the world, to hear his songs again. To honor those requests and acknowledge this gift to the Body of Christ, Metro Arts Productions gave permission for the Fruitful Life Network to compile a historical sample of some of his music.

Raphael Green music review courtesy of Metro Arts Productions and Fruitful Life Network, Inc.

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© 2004 - 2025, Chris and Carol Green,

Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Consulting

Chris and Carol Green have no allegiances to any political party, religious dogma, or 'bandwagon' social movements.

They are retired bi-vocational pastors who have been under-the-radar leaders within an international phenomenon

in which people of faith have been moving, by the thousands, outside of their traditions and buildings

to take healing and hope to their personal and professional communities.

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